J. Grant Swank, Jr.
Why does supposed Church of the Nazarene-friendly NazNet Founder and Moderator Dave McClung permit a Chaplain Moderator Barbara Moulton to be his site overseer?
She does not take a public stand for the biblical abhorrence of homosexual nuptials. She keeps God’s stance in the closet.
She says: “. . .for the record, I do have objections to gay marriage. I don't perform them and will never perform them. I simply am not going to crusade against allowing them to take place in my country.”
Read more: NAZNET’S CHAPLAIN MODERATOR KEEPS ‘GAY MARRIAGE’ IN THE CLOSET at http://grantswank.blogtownhall.com/2009/11/10/naznet%E2%80%99s_chaplain_moderator_keeps_%E2%80%98gay_marriage%E2%80%99_in_the_closet.thtml
Also, NAZNET’S CHAPLAIN MODERATOR BARBARA MOULTON DRAWS SPIKED REACTIONS at http://grantswank.blogtownhall.com/2009/11/10/naznet%E2%80%99s_chaplain_moderator_barbara_moulton_draws_spiked_reactions.thtml
Where is Moderator Dave McClung? Why does he permit this kind of “leadership” on NazNet when it is undermining the Bible and the denomination?
Further, another moderator, Hans Deventer, states that he opposes Christ’s statements concerning hell’s eternal torment. He opts for annihilation.
Read more: NAZNET MODERATOR HANS DEVENTER NIXES ETERNAL HELL. HE’S NAZARENE? at http://grantswank.blogtownhall.com/2009/11/10/naznet_moderator_hans_deventer_nixes_eternal_hell_he%E2%80%99s_nazarene.thtml
Where is Moderator McClung? Why does he permit Deventer to upstage Christ on clear biblical data? Deventer obviously has the theological clout to cancel out Christ’s warnings for Deventer’s own holy writ.
McClung allows this to continue day after day.
Further, Hans Deventer endorses a Bible fraught with errors. This is in keeping with another overseer, Site Manager and Moderator Scott Cundiff. They both use the site to indoctrinate that God has trouble communicating a perfect revelation; therefore, it is up to each reader to pick and choose what he considers legitimate biblical material.
Read NAZNET SAYS BIBLE NOT 100% NO-ERROR RELIABLE at http://grantswank.blogtownhall.com/2009/11/10/naznet_says_bible_not_100_no-error_reliable.thtml
It takes some intelligence to reach the conclusion that difficult biblical passages actually support the perfect divine revelation. But evidently NazNet site overseers don’t have that kind of intelligence.
Check this out for balanced reasoning: BIBLE HARSH PENALTIES & CHRIST'S ETHIC at http://grantswank.blogtownhall.com/2009/11/10/bible_harsh_penalties__christ%E2%80%99s_ethic_2.thtml
The Church of the Nazarene historically has endorsed adult believer’s baptism.
However, Hans Deventer has a more excellent way. It is the Roman Catholic position of infant baptism. Here are Deventer’s own words: “I've changed from one who supported adult baptism to one who now supports infant baptism.”
(This is typical of NazNet. The site seeks to form the Church of the Nazarene into the Catholic/Anglican/Episcopal high church mold. This includes changing the Nazarene reference to the Lord’s Supper as “communion” to Deventer and clique’s high church term “Eucharist.” They adore the term “Eucharist.”)
For more explaining why infant baptism is nowhere to be found in Scripture, click NAZNET MODERATOR HANS DEVENTER SUPPORTS INFANT BAPTISM OVER ADULT BAPTISM at http://grantswank.blogtownhall.com/2009/11/10/naznet_moderator_hans_deventer_supports_infant_baptism_over_adult_baptism.thtml
McClung turns his head the other way when Barbara Moulton hides in her coward’s closet rather than take the God-side in opposing in the marketplace homosexual “marriage.”
McClung turns his head the other way when Hans Deventer boasts that annihilation takes precedence over Christ’s “everlasting torment” warning for unbelievers.
McClung turns his head the other way when Hans Deventer and Scott Cundiff put NazNet’s top-of-the-list reading errance in Scripture. At the top of the list! It is not merely a hidden read in the site; it is highly recommended for all site viewers.
McClung turns his head the other way when Hans Deventer chants his support for infant rather than the biblical adult baptism.
In addition, when Internet readers found out about Barbara Moulton cowardice, McClung emailed me to ask me to stop such posting for Moulton was in “pain” over it.
Can you imagine that?
She was in pain over being exposed as a coward. She was in pain because truth won out. What about God’s pain in seeing one who claims to be His own child not standing up publicly for Father’s ethic?
Further, McClung emailed me that he was seeking to be a “peacemaker.”
I did not email McClung back; but I wanted to. Now I will ask him so that you may read my questions: Mr. McClung, Founder and Moderator/NazNet, why do you not seek making peace with God and His perfectly communicated divine writ? Why do you permit your colleagues to slice through the biblical record?
Further, if you want to make peace in the eternal, God-blessed sense, why do you use your site to play “denomination-on-site-in-competition-with-the-Church-of-the-Nazarene”?
You act as if you are usurping the General Superintendents by playing General Superintendent, seminary professor, college religion professor and so forth. Your “educational staff” equals site overseers who have in fact created their own bogus seminary training center.
If you are a person of integrity, you will stop your site’s propaganda and support gospeling the world with biblical truth.
I doubt if your ego will permit you to do that.